>>6426286 Up Date: Just saw them both in person at my local Disney Store, and I wont be wasting my money on Snow White. The one I saw in person is not as nice or as well put together as the one they put on display at D23. The bodice was crooked, half of her collar was sticking up instead of laying down, and her hair was a little messed up mainly do to the curls just sticking up in different directions.
Also I now see why the D23 Snow white was displayed without the box borders. With the boarders the doll kinda sinks into darkness, and she just doesn't shine as she does in the photos I've seen online.
The queen on the other hand looks wonderful in person. She has a dark box like the hag, but she lights up the room. I know I complained about the doll looking too simple, but in person it really didn't matter.
If you put the Queen next to the LE Snow white she steals the show.