>>10746229Thanks anon, I used this custom figure from AliExpress as the base (it's some MCU spidey costume painted on the pizza body mold):
https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005002313034324.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.15.2e0723f4KUfH9i&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%21€%2028%2C00%21€%2020%2C03%21%21%21213.25%21152.54%21%402101c5b117007390935524821e8d2e%2112000020036352052%21sh%21BE%21747738286%21But I switched out the legs and arms with regular black ones from a bootleg symbiote pizza spidey I believe, and then just painted the torso & spidey logo as well as the spider eyes with shiny black paint. It honestly wasn't a hard custom.
>pic unrelated