>>7898858Yeah I believe the usual convention is:
Season 1 = MtMtE up till/into the Dark Cybertron event
Season 2 = the rest of MtMtE ending with the Dying of the Light arc
Season 3 = the entirety of the rebranded “Lost Light” series, which ironically involves only around 3 issues which take place on or with the actual Lost Light present.
Season 2 is definitely a mixed bag for me, some arcs were pretty great, but others like the Personality-Ticks or Swearth were neither enjoyable in concept or execution. It feels like Roberts was indulging way too hard into his love of sitcoms and going full Doctor-Who in terms of feather light Sci-fi tone, and I’m not particularly fond of either of those.
Also, while sort of fascinating, redemption seeking Autobot Megatron frankly causes a lot of conceptual dissonance. Especially with how they went out of their way both before and after that development to establish just how much of an Uber-galactic-space-Hitler he was. Like, I’m not sure I could really be willing to grant a hypothetically remorseful, and alive, real Hitler the catharsis of allowing him to try to atone for his sins, let alone that I could actually buy that he wouldn’t backslide into his genocidal totalitarian tendencies. It’s why a lot readers where somewhat sympathetic to Getaway’s side despite his personal scumbaggery. (Before Roberts went out of his way to paint Getaway as cartoonishly monstrous in season 3)
Season 3 was a lot like that but with even more of the bad and less of the good, plus an out-of-universely unfunny and unlikable second Swerve (Anode), and just an overall sense of being less tied together plot wise and more loosely edited.