>>6556661>No one was throwing a temper tantrum though.Maybe not so much THIS time, but
>It's been pointed out before Usually by some autist who continually whines and pisses his pants about how shitty things are because they don't live up to his expectations. Thus being gunshy when people start complaining about something so minor.
>>6557105Not everyone likes every version of a character
See above. Also it's fine to prefer one thing over another, but if the company produces a figure and says 'This is a Lupin figure", then that's what it is. You don't get to choose what they put out, you buy it or don't. You can say why you like it or not but for fucks sake, don't make it a crusade, and wave your banner every time somebody says "Lupin"
also see
>>6557108>>6555313At a certain point, yes. That's what it becomes.
>>Many persons with autism have similar difficulty seeing things from another person's perspective. Most five year olds understand that other people have different thoughts, feelings and goals than they have. A person with autism may lack such understanding. This, in turn, can interfere with the ability to predict or understand another person’s actions.So, most of /toy/