>>6738973I’m the opposite, the more I look at the old one the more I appreciate what we got. The old one looks cool at first glance, but the new wheels are independent and each has it’s own suspensio, which works better (but doesn’t look as sci-fi). The cabin is definately better, with more access and space. The flatbed is better too, with the arm and the ramp and the fact that it’s separate from the cabin. The only thing the old one does better is the muted colors, but last night “the martian” was in tv, and the rover there was as colorful as the current one.
>Still hope we eventually get some of the bases and other builds they had there. If we don’t get pic related, I’m going to cut a bitch up. We definately need more space beyonders stuff.
For now the overpriced moon recon vehicle from the CoD line works really well with the rover, as sort of security detail.