>>11044118>Is this true? Sound way too funny to be real.Quick rundown:
>China banned AoT "out of nowhere">people then unearthed threads of Isayama arguing with Chinese people, all stemming from the character of Pixis>turns out Pixis is based on a real-life general which is considered a war criminal in China>turns out Isayama is a Japanese Imperialist>turns out Isayama doesn't think Japan did anything wrong ever>turns out Isayama either flat out denied Japan's war crimes or said they were justified>"Eren is Hitler" started off as a meme but it turned out it was actually true>after this revelation people started figuring out the plot of AoT was basically the events of WW1 and WW2 mashed together but told from Germany's perspective>shit got buried fast, AoT was (probably still is) a goldmine and reviews or parodies that revealed the plot got cease and desist letters (this is what happened to AoT Abridged by Team Four Star, which is banned on YT even today)>then everything became just "rumors">ending of Season 3 came out and confirmed the rumors for everyoneFortunately for everyone that made money off of AoT was that most people are dumb fucks with no idea of WW1 or WW2 history.
Erwin Rommel, a commander which many argued was greater than Hitler, was eventually replaced in Africa by Hans-Jürgen von Arnim. The Nazis under the command of these men eventually engaged in "Operation Valkyrie" which was a plot to kill Hitler and replace him with presumably Rommel.
Erwin Smith, commander of the Scouting Legion, was eventually replaced by Armin Arlert. Under Commander Armin the Scouts formed a team to take down Eren. There's even a reference to Valkyries in the scene, pic related.