Quoted By:
>I was thinking to upgrade my gunpla game.
>Moving from HG kits to bigger MG kits.
>Nearest Hobbytown, (60 miles away) was holding a 10% off everything sale this weekend.
>Fuck it, let's get some MG kits.
>Made the long ass trip up there and checked out their MG kit section.
>Found pic related to the right for $28. Cheap!
>It’s an older kit, but I’ve heard good things about the MG Sword Impulse.
>Also potted Ryujinmaru to the right on clearance for $32
>Fuck yeah, Keith Courage!
>As I was looking at these kits, THAT GUY shows up.
>Super autist with no indoor voice spazzing out at all teh gundum kitz.
>Dad wrangler following behind hyper autist.
>”Daddy, I want a perfect grade!”
>”That’s $200, son. Why don’t we buy a master grade?”
>Autist is pinballing all over the gundam section, looking at every kit with hyper gusto.
>Not once did dad tell his son to hide his power level.
>I can’t deal with these types, so I quickly shove the Sword Impulse & Ryujinmaru into my shopping basket without looking them over in detail.
>Buy them with some other things.
>Long ass trip back home.
>Look over kits and realize that neither are actual MG kits.
>Sword Impulse is from the 2005 Seed 1/100 line. Basically an oversized HG kit.
>The real MG Sword Impulse kit I heard about beforehand is from 2015.
> Ryujinmaru is another oversized HG kit, as I missed seeing that “HG” right on the damn box.
>But a manchild screeching in the section about how he has a Blitz Gundam at home can distract you from those finer points.
So in the end, I didn’t get a real MG kit. I wasted $60, plus a full day off. Fuck the mentally impaired.