>>9497719>>9499311as said, Hasbro really didn't have a choice with GI Joe line being STREEETCHED over a year, because everything they had planned out had to coincide with the movie's release. The Snake Eyes movie was delayed for over a year, so they only had produced products for that one movie. Everything was riding on that movie, so no new products could be produced. That's just how budgets work for these toylines.
It's just bad luck that corona fucked up everything, making it pretty similar to how the GI Joe Retribution movie line also got fucked over (by Hasbro, instead of the worst plague of all time).
>>9499044For whatever reason, HAsbro decided to switch the styles or started using better sculptors for their toylines, because by Venom Vs Valor, the proportions on their newer figures started being more realistic. Almost everything befoer then was pretty cartoony.