BBTS also has the RD Griffon on sale for $44 shipped. Pretty tempting!>>7613352Ugh, that awful, especially since Sinanju's marking ver was a pricey web exclusive. Something definitely went wrong with Bandai's QC there, since many RDs have tampo detail applied directly to plastic and it stays on just fine. Doesn't the Real Marking Banshee have its tampos applied directly to plastic as well, though? I didn't think Real Marking Banshee was fully painted.
>I was interested on those new real marking zaku and Rx78 but from the pictures those seems to have the same issue as the sinanju.I have two versions of the Real Marking Zaku. The tampo detail is indeed printed directly onto the plastic, but I have no issues with their tampos rubbing off on either one. I can understand if you'd be wary though, after that poor experience with Sinanju!
>>7613606>>7613615Awesome pics, anon! Great to see you having a blast with your RDs, haha. FA Alex looks superb, how well does the armor stay on? As good as the FA RX-78?
>>7614412>>7614401Man, at this rate I gotta keep an eye out for TOM's preorder. I've got like $100 in points I could spend there; would totally cancel my Bluefin preorder for that, heh.