>>7417536Lucas did the worst possible thing anyone could do to a film franchise by attacking the original films with a hatchet and refusing to re-release the original cuts by bald-assedly lying to everyone by saying that he had somehow magically "taped over" the theatrical cuts.
This is also the same guy who spent decades lying about how he had the prequels all plotted out in 1977, before admitting after the prequels were finished that the vast majority of the thin story he had for the prequels went into Episode III and that Episodes I & II were comprised mostly of filler, right around the same time that he was also finally admitting that he never had ANY ideas for a sequel trilogy (which he would regret doing when he was forced to cook up a few sequel trilogy story notes to help sweeten the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney, before finally ridding himself of profoundly autistic fans like you).
Lucas wasn't the holy godsend or stupid dipshit that people like to make him out to be these days, but he did more damage to Star Wars than anyone else could have ever possibly have done. Anything Disney does with the brand after that is just fluff that any reasonable person should be able to easily ignore if they don't like it, since Star Wars would've simply stopped being a thing (or been sold off to an even less competent organization, like Warner Brothers) if Disney hadn't taken the whole thing off of George's hands.
Also, fuck Hasbro for making the RETRO sticker on those new Kenner vintage figures so fucking large.