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Having a baby soon, need to get rid of some stuff to make room. Everything has been opened to be displayed in a smoke-free environment, out of the sun and all in a detolf or similarly safe space. Boxes are mostly in great condition minus the randomly shaped cellophane pieces they originally came with. Prices include shipping to the US, I'm just looking to make most of my money back.
Houshou Marine MAX FACTORY - $285
Blaze - $285
Pekora Figma - $60
Surtr - $180
Graf Zeppelin Beachside Urd ALTER - $250
Will list more when I'm not at work. I can get more pictures to send via e-mail, everything's being stored at an old roommate's place right now. Prices are firm but I'm open to negotiation. Still debating on selling the ALTER Jalter with case.