>>11296400>ewoks>not goofy>gay comedy robots>not goofylol
Please fuck off. You're proving you're just some stupid zoomer who doesn't know that Star Wars has been derided for their stupid shit since as long as I've been alive and aware of the property. 80s, btw.
Not even defending modern STar Wars shit. Just saying it's SSDD.
Holy shit! While looking up some of the dumbest pieces of shit from STar Wars, i came across this and i completely forgot i had it. Probably the least stupid pieces of shit from the Kenner line that didn't come out in the movies. Probably equal to that stupid transport that got revamped for the Boba Fett show.
I wonder where it even went, since i hated throwing shit away, because i used to use broken shit as background/scenery pieces when playing with my toys.