>>5281553It does, which is why I usually clear coat the panel line wash after I finish it. Actually, what I do for panel lines is more of a sludge-wash than a true panel line wash. I just take a thick brush and take the wash and just get a nice thick layer of it inside the panel lines by dabbing it all across the model. Then, I wait for the wash to completely dry, and I take paper towels and just wipe down the excess dried paint which doesn't interact with the acrylic gloss layer below. This also kinda acts as a filter in itself when you wipe off the excess.
For the filters I just take an older soft-bristle brush and do a sort of dot-filter method, where I use a bunch of different colors of oil paint that I placed across the fuselage, and just with the brush damp with thinner stipple around and blend the colors together roughly.