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Think I'm just about going to call this done, unless I am inspired to make a windscreen at a later date. Kit was Revell's Morane-Saulnier N in 1/72 scale, made the following modifications-
>Scratch built cockpit and internal tubular structure as the kit detail was an oversized seat and nothing more
>Scratch built Lewis Gun as the kit came with a vickers
>Modified king post for more appropriate scale
>Vacformed spinner as kit part was underscale
>Brass axle, and modified spreader bars as kit part was awful and overscale
>Tubes on fuselage under wing (I believe they are fuel caps, might be exhaust direction for castor oil) added from brass pipe
All in all I would say it was a fun build, now I need to work on my 1/100 T-26s (going for two, a Spanish Civil War mod.1933 and a later model for either winter war or eastern front) while I think of which plane to tackle next.