Though Gernsback has a drab low-vis color scheme, it's absolutely gorgeous. The way the shine of the diecast peeks through the perfectly matte grey finish (plus the hints of metallic paint app highlights) makes for an awesome contrast. It just looks so dang good in-person, I'm really blown away.
Amazing spread of accessories as well, even tiny figures of Tessa and Mardukas (as well as the expected Kurz and Mao)! If for whatever reason you were interested in the Gernsback but were on the fence, I'd absolutely recommend picking one up sooner rather than later.
>>7337476I've heard that Gaogaigar is excellent and that Gunbuster is very good as well. Don't know anything about Ideon or the Revoltech Jehuty, but as a SoC the Ideon should be a solid figure and I think Jehuty got reissued a couple times which should mean it was a popular/good figure.
>>7340660First batch of Nightingales doesn't release til February, with the second batch in April. So one more month til we get reviews. Think I'm in the April batch.