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I've read the guide so I have a bit of an understanding of what I need to, but I'm still asking because I'm a bit clueless as to where to start.
I want to get into painting, finishes, decals, and all that stuff. I have pic related leftover from never having gotten around to it, given they remastered all three BD units I figured what's the harm in using it to get my foot in the door painting wise?
Where should I start? There's a hobby lobby in my immediate area, would an airbrush be the best place to start? If so where do I go from there? Perhaps I'm overthinking it but in my head I imagined a process like this.
>Get large piece of stock paper and a marker
>cut the pieces out, put them on the paper and write their designation (a2, b3, etc.)
>this way I already have the pieces out, removed their nub, and they're not already attached when I actually get around to building.
How hard am I overthinking all of this?