>>10056757the overuse of social media created a breed of teens and young adults that feel the need to "belong" to a inner group that validates their loneliness.
A ton of them picked out to be footsoldiers for what they perceive to be the culture war, a war against wimmen and sjws and the ones making them feel bad and shit, and being completely powerless to effect change amidst the people on their friends groups ( who pretty fast get tired of this shit and stop inviting them to stuff ) they need to go seek out this validation by trying to participate in culture war discussions online, even if its for shit they dont understand or really get.
So they latch onto anything they can perceive as woke or whatever.
Ie, the bunch of shitlings crying about sandman having "too many gay characters for the wokes"
They made their hobbies not things they enjoy, but malding at things they hate. A person whose hobbies are only "things they hate" are a snorefest to be around.
I tell you this as a boomer that been on the internet forever, focus on the shit you like and if you ever feel the need to enjoy being mad at shit, go out and take a walk my dude, you dont want to end up like those fuckers.