>>6978187How old were you when the movie came out?
I'm calling fuzzy little kid memories or living out in the boonies if you think that any of those characters weren't hard to get.
Even my comic stores (plural, because i live in a major metro area) didn't have them, because people were paying scalper prices for main characters. And I'm talking about the red carded figures too, not the green ones which i never saw because my stores were inundated with red cards forever.
Speaking of boonies and being able to find good shit, i went out to one of the third world cities in my county and bought myself a Rogue One TIE Fighter for $15 at TRU today. The ones in my own city and surrounding areas sold out last year.
Even bought a Jurassic World truck thing, which i can;'t even find in WalMarts and Targets.
Great hunt.
>>6978190Battle Droids were only easy to get after they started including them for free with other figures. And the good battle droids had more articulation too.
And I'm only saying the main characters were mostly scarce. Everything clogged retail up for years, even on clearance. I'm heistant to say if TPM or TFA is worse, because my eyes glaze over when i see the Star Wars sections after seeing the same old shit for a year+. TFA seems worse because there's waaaay less varianty than there used to be.
>>6978204I assume most of us that are old enough are also collectors of 1:18 figures, especially after seeing the self reporting demographics threads on /toy/. Most of us that are old seem to be into 1:18 figures, especially GI Joes.
For you kids, i had to explain.