>>5980859I feel dumb for getting upset about such a.... non traditional hobby but it just does make me upset. My husband and I just got into a semi fight(? i dont know what the call it, I'll get to it in a minute).
I'm sorry shes not digging your idea of a space. To me your idea for a space actually sounds really nice. Do you mean pic related type of drawing desk or just a regular desk you dedicate as you work space? Either way very jealous. I hope that you can at least have your small space even if she isnt the keenest on it. I always want to try and include my partners taste into our home, and we both have extremely different tastes desu. Even if I dont like it though I want him to feel comfortable as well.
So anyways a bit of my rambling story. I was feeling a bit upset because I had lost out on an auction for a toy I really wanted, like a holy grail although not super expensive like most. Just rarely shows up. I didnt mention it to my husband but he can detect that somethings wrong. He's being comforting and like "just tell me whats wrong bb," and I finally tell him. He doesnt feel bad for me at all and then starts lecturing me about my hobby and how I shouldnt get upset about materialistic things, I'm too obsessed with the past which he deems is unhealthy(its a vintage toy), blah blah blah. So obviously something that made me mildly upset to begin with has gotten even worse because he's making me feel bad about it. I just left after awhile and he tries to guilt me into staying to talk it out with him, but I'm just too upset/sad to try anymore so I finally just left to cool off.