rebuilt my green guy a little... poor fella has slime spewing out everywhere
>>9904832thanks for the recs. roboforce looks really cool, shame to hear there won't be reissues
>>9905049oh nice builds! and thanks for the inspiration, i love zbots so your build immediately appealed to me. I didn't have all the pieces you did but I wanted to retain the proportions
thanks for that link. it seems like a lot of drops get pretty wild with the colors so I'm sure some of them will appeal to me eventually
i see what you mean about the building. a lot of molds seem to have pieces that are whole limbs. the downsides to that are obvious, but I can also see how that would be useful when paired with these molds, because you can use the big pieces to block out a shape/figure and use the more broken up ones to communicate character and add extra articulation. after building these two guys I have a ton of leftover small pieces, for example