Like half of the figures I own are mainly because I think they look cool, especially mecha figures. I loved Power rangers and Beast Wars as a kid and always wished there were more transforming robot toys available. I'd ask for KOs of Japanese mecha figures are asian toystores as a kid because they always had some interesting bootleg of some unknown to me mecha
anime.My brother-in-law (who's much older than me since my sister is 16 years older) would take me out as a kid and would buy figures himself based on design he thought were cool or what sculpts he liked. Stuff like Spawn figures usually, but also the odds and ends of lines you'd find at stores in the 90s, like battlestar galactica. Still have that mentality today, though I have to hold myself back often.
Most of the time I just end up watching documentaries or some comedy like Curb your enthusiasm than watch anime. Pic related, I bought the original Sentinel Dancouga, the KO, and the new one on the way just becuase I love the design so muvh. I've maybe watched the OVA years ago.