>>8651793My real problem with the dub names is they left most of them intact, which makes the changed ones chafe my autism even more. Why leave 90% of them the same, but arbitrarily change others? Some were even swapped from English to Japanese words, even though they changed plenty of Japanese words to English ones as well. There's also several instances of overlapping dub names.
Not only that, they constantly flip-flop on dub names, or revise dub names that were the same for 20 years, like how Panjyamon became IceLeomon. Some Digimon have their intended names erroneously swapped. There's also a ton of Digimon that were just plain badly translated, including prominent ones like Kurisarimon, Apokarimon, Diaboromon, Gargomon and Arukenimon.
Here's a small sampling of some Digimon who have swapped names several times in dubbed media, sometimes even reverting back to a previous one:
>Persiamon, Beastmon, Bastemon>GuardiAngemon, SlushAngemon, SlashAngemon>Zephyrmon, Shutsumon, Shutumon>Sharmamon, Shamanmon, Shamamon>Samudramon, Gaiomon, Gaioumon>Rirismon, Lilithmon, Laylamon>Devimon, Darkmon, Wingmon>Meramon, RedMeramon>Panjyamon, IceLeomon>MudFrigimon, Chuchidarumon, Tsuchidarumon>Piemon, Piedmon, Pierrotmon>Oryxmon, Goatmon>Rockmon, Golemon>Bolgmon, MetalKabuterimon>Vritramon, BurningGreymon>Korikakumon, Blizzamon, Blizzarmon>Kerpymon, Cherubimon>KaiserLeomon, JagerLoweemon>Choromon, MetalKoromon>MedievalDukemon, MedicalGallantmon, MedievalGallantmon>Matadormon, Matadoramon, Matadramon, Matadrmon>Goblimon, Goblinmon, Goburimon>Kentaurosmon, Sleipmon>KendoGarurumon, BladeGarurumon, Garmmon, Garummon>Pteranomon, Pteramon, Petranamon, Puteranomon>Divemon, Divemon, Scubamon, Hangyomon>Demon, Daemon, Creepymon>GranLocomon, GrandLocomon, GroundLocomon>LordKnightmon, Crusadermon, LoadKnightmon>Prairiemon, Prariemon, Ferrarimon>Chackmon, Kumamon>Bearmon, also Kumamon again