>>11121011Entitled faggots are just poorfags. Their position is about not being able to afford their hobby in a world of increasing prices, especially when this thread is about toys that aren't even in the top 100 of the most expensive figure being currently discussed on /toy/
So the question is still whether that guy is a poorfag, brandwhore, or third worlder.
NOTE: All third worlders are poorfags, but their reason for bitching is because they're paying way more than first worlders because their shitty country has to import everything in the most expensive way.
>>11121091The guy is a disingenuous fag. There's a 10 pages worth of toy talk and he chooses this thread to make communistic ramblings that people are buying luxury product with their excess wealth. He's acting like $60 is a lot of money, which is such a poorfag projection.
Now, that poorfag rationalization might just be an excuse, because he's just a brandwhore who's angry people aren't buying his brand or it's a third worlder who's angry he's paying more than a first worlder.
I feel bad for third worlders, because it is pretty unfair that they get fucked in the ass like that, but it's their own fault anyway. They allow their country to continue being shit.
pic is why he shouldnt be bitching in this thread and obviously ignored the state of consumerism of /toy/, because /toy/ has long been full of nerds who can't afford their hobby.