>>11035932>nothing but bullshityeah, that brick is totally made of super high quality clay found only on Jupiter under gigatons of atmosphere at its core and it was molded by hand through an ancient technique passed on through extra-dimensional beings whose cost to travel to this universe is measured in genocides. That totally justifies its price.
Nothing but cope, because you don't want to believe plastic toys use extremely common plastics, tools, and techniques that have been around for decades, if not at least a century, without patents or extra associated costs. Nothing can be made any cheaper, because the technology (thus patents) existed a decade/a hundred years prior and in use just as long.
Again, everything that you've said is premium is so cheap that budget children toys can use them without increasing their prices and for things like face printing, is actually a cost cutting technique that makes toys cheaper to make (and they don't even lower the price to use them, because toy companies exist to make profits. They're not charities).
There's no ands ifs or buts about this, because it's literally the results that we're witnessing.
None of the "premium" features budget children toys started using has ever correlated with an increase in prices. Prove me wrong.
The fact is that the industry is making cuts everywhere, where they're actually taking AWAY features when they actually cost money. Shit like pic costs more just because it uses something that costs more money to have: MOLDS for extra accessories.
After 2011, or there about, we started seeing price hikes and budgets for toylines being cut. Prices stabalized at $20 with the black series in 2014, which didn't get face printing until when.. 2015? 2016? I remember MLs it wasn't universal until around GotG2 came out in 2017. No price hikes until actual money was involved: global shipping crisis in 2021.
And despite that basically being over, prices haven't gone back down, because fuck you.