>>6199186It's hard to be objective with this things, but she just looks like cheap anime to me, like pic related. I don't know why, but it screams anime more than it screams Chun Li. The noodle arms and dubious quadriceps anatomy don't help selling the figure.
The PAK's face has less anime-ish proportions, and then at least it has the ridiculous Chun Li legs going for it. I have trouble finding a reason to get the Figuarts for its price.
I don't think I'm being biased against anime or stylization. I do own the Pinky Street Chun Li and I think they did a good job adapting her. The Figuarts, though, I don't know, it feels like it's there but not there.
It might be the tiny mouth, or maybe it all comes down to the legs, I have no idea.