>>10128426>Where the fuck was he when the Toa Nuva jobbed to the Piraka anyway?Doing guard duty and escorting Matoran to Karzahni (which considering they just left Mata Nui and could go from there to Voya Nui seems stupid in retrospective), also wasn't the shadow leech that got him shadow powers in 08 thrown at him while on patrol rather than fighting some Makuta?
This just goes to show like the other anon said that Greg should have been more controlled. Like a lite version of George Lucas he can come with some fine wheat but you have to make sure to remove the chaff, otherwise you end up with bullshit,nonsensical retcons, grimdumb retardation and above all wasted opportunities.
Pic related, this is what they took from us by turning the Mahri into Skakdi idolizers on an online serial