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Shortstack-anon again, pardon incoming blogpost. Apologies for delay on the Shortstack 2.0 body; I haven't had the chance to testprint the final parts due to various real life shenanigans (notably my GF being pregnant). I have the files sliced up at least.
As a side note, as I have that fancy Resione resin (M37 and anti-impact additive) I want to try doing sculpts with built-in joints again. I think I have some idea as to how I'm going to do the joints in a way that will allow for decent range without being too janky and accommodating for the properties of resin, as simply printing Hobby Base style two-piece joints doesn't appear to be viable. Notably using double-balljoints for shoulders (See pic for a very rough idea of what I mean) and revising my earlier attempt at figma-style full-range single hinges for knees and elbows to be less ugly looking.
I need to get some spare vats for my printer first though, as I currently only have one and having to swap resin with only one vat is a nightmare; I want to be able to quickly swap between the Resione stuff and good ol' ABS-like for things where the more expensive stuff would be a waste.