>>9134881>American properties are just as foreign here as anime is to yousee, this is stuff i don't get.
anime is as foreign as Sony is here. Which is to say, it's a common everyday thing to see. It's been normie as fuck since the 00s.
Is anime/american shit NOT like that over there?
Also, i usually wonder if there are any french people on /toy/. Seems like we have asians of all types, brits and aussies are about as plentiful as Americans, plus a scattering of south Americans. Apparently we have india indians and russians here too, probably rare as the odd scandiavians, italians, and germans. But French? I almost never see them anywhere.
Do they purposely hide and suppress speaking about themselves?
In my nearing 30 years of internetting, i've known maybe 5 french people in various communities, one of which was some girl waaay back in my AOL days. Fake frenchies from Canadia are a dime a dozen.
To get to the point, on top of knowing there are barely any toy companies over there, especially for action figures, it makes me wonder how different European cultures are. Same shit with video games, where my understanding of german hobbies weirds me out, what with all the censoring and sim enjoyment. The fact Playmobil is one of their most popular brands makes sense because of that.
But so much shit seems to be missing that is popular in the US, UK, Japan, Latin America, and a few others.