>>11045778It's so weird. I accepted those elbows for Sakamata Chloe because the heart shaped buckles are so close to the elbow bend, that a compromise had to be made. But as seen with the NH girls and Alice, they can do puffy sleeves without resorting to this shit. It's baffling.
>>11045781Someone pointed out chungus furry posting stopped and then schizo screeching about SHFshills started here:
https://archive.palanq.win/toy/thread/11031847/#11038919I went back through the thread and found the hunka chunka AI song which most anons missed. And then the other AI songs started.
It is well known that Athena has a grudge against the OP of this thread and tries to shit it up as much as possible. He also seethes about Berserk and can't get over the fact that the main character was raped by a black man, possibly because he experienced the same thing from a nog US soldier stationed in SEA when he was a kid, which is why he seethes about Americans too.
90% of shitposting on this board is him.
>Just make your ownBecause he made his own Transformers.
>Smash it with a hammerBecause he 3D prints Transformers.
>Third party = bootlegBecause he seethes about blowing the chance to work for Fanstoys.
>wholesome Robo etcBecause he got banned from the fwoosh forums.
All of his shitposting is extremely personal to him, and is born either out of his arrogance, or his failures. He hates this thread because he is an incel sexpest, as can be read in the Google doc about him in the thread about him being a failed sexpest Vtuber.
>>11045791>links himselfWrong.
>BASED dudeAI is for faggots like Scott Neitlich. Japan should have raped Singapore to death.
>samefaggingI wouldn't want to use the same seamonkey tactics you use, Kenneth.