>FEBRUARYVegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]
Frieza - First Form (Reissue)
>MARCHSon Goku - The Lowest Born Saiyan
Medical Machine [Web Exclusive]
>APRILSon Goku - Daima
Super Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)
SSGSS Vegeta - Unwavering Saiyan Pride (Reissue)
>MAYVegeta - Daima
>JUNEMajin Buu - Good (Reissue)
>JULYV Jump 40th anniversary Son Goku + Shenron
Zarbon - True Power [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]
SSGSS Son Goku - DBS Broly (Reissue)
>AUGUSTKing Gomah [Web Exclusive]
>SEPTEMBER Cooler - Final Form (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition) [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Gohan - The Fighter Who Surpassed Goku (Reissue)
Son Goku - Legendary Super Saiyan (Best Selection)
>OCTOBERSuper Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]
>NOVEMBERLegendary Super Saiyan Broly (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition) [Web Exclusive]
>JANUARYLegendary Super Saiyan Broly (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition Second Run) [Web Exclusive]
>PROTOTYPESPanzy - Daima
Glorio - Daima
Supreme Kai (Mini) - Daima
Vegeta - The Proud Saiyan Prince
Master Roshi - DBS
Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series
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