I noticed there were a few good kits on sale for HLJ, but I have a massive backlog of about 10 gunpla alone and a bunch of regular plamo I didn't put together.
Is the Mega Shiki and Medarot kits worth it? There's one Medarot kit that's 3150 yen off the listing price of 4500 so I find it hard to pass it up. But I feel like I wouldn't have bought it anyways. (i'm watching /m/'s new subs of Medarot currently though so it seems like perfect timing.) Plus, shipping costs can get really high if I'm not careful and add to much to the private warehouse.
tl;dr backlog of plamo, should I buy more because they're on sale? I'm going through backlog guilt.
>>5284277The guide is pretty good and there are countless guides online If you only need to do small parts for details you might be able to manage with gunpla markers.