>>6446758It's all a question of tastes.
I DO love modern figures a lot, but I appreciate vintage figures NOW way more than I ever did.
In my childhood in the 1980's, I only had 3 transformers. Optimus Prime, the Defensor team, and Apeface. All of them were destroyed/lost. Never really cared that much about them as a child. It was all video games.
Then I started collecting as an adult. Got a Optimus ages ago and just recently, I paid mad cash to get Apeface and Defensor back. Dunno what happen, but something clicked in my head and I've got "G1 addiction".
I then got
Snapdragon.to go with Apeface. Then G1 Computron to go with the stellar CW boxset. More headmasters... A shitload of Pretenders... and the ENTIRE Action Masters collection minus two figures!
And I sold a TONS of modern figures to my local geek store, Gamestop style, to get most of them. Regrets: none.
I love having the vintage headmaster and the modern TR version side-by-side. Mindwipe and Hardhead will be coming soon. Only 120$CAN each plus taxes.
Yeah, yeah, that money can be spent on some amazing 3p figures. But that's not the point of this collection. It's all about the GLORIOUS VINTAGE!