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While the "america bad" stuff has been annoying, it's mainly because it's an election year and most shitposters (kids) are stuck inside because of covid. I skimmed through the thread and I didn't see this brought up. There's been a handle of new autists that have appeared in the past year such as the bunch in the SHF threads, the /dbs/ shitposters in DB SHF threads, and the autist who hates the figma OP making guy. IMO, the major factor is the fact that some companies are making figures of mainstream IPs and it's attracting new posters to the board who think /toy/ is a board where you can have wars like /a/, /co/ or /v/. You can tell which ones are from /a/ when they start attacking the IP instead of the figure or from /v/ when they start claiming that a character wouldn't sell or that a figure is shelfwarming. Like others have said, it's best to dismiss these obvious baits.