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I got an unopened S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Kabuto Hyper for $15 off Ebay, but, as folks warned in the toku thread, parts of him are prone to fading and mine seems to be no exception. All of the hands are faded almost down to the silver undercoat and the right foot, elbow pads, and bicep armor are mildly faded as well. It seems all of these parts were painted silver and had a red clear coat layered overtop. I'd like to try to fix the faded paint as best I can and would like some recommendations for a good red clear coat and methods by which I might neatly apply it. As I have never used an airbrush before, how difficult would it be to touch these up with one as a beginner? Alternatively, how difficult is it to get smooth coverage using a brush to apply clear coat?