Getting to work on an Ace Centurion. I've wanted to build a Centurion for some time, but as the options were Ace or Dragon, and the latter was too early a mark for my taste, I held off. Then things happened and as the continued existence of Ace didn't seem entirely certain I caved in and bought one of theirs. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly I don't intend to paint it up as a Swedish one (now if someone could go liberate the Cromwell Model's moulds...), it's going to end up as an Australian 'nam wagon.
The build so far, well, not as bad as the Ace 37mm Bofors AT gun I built made me think it'd be. Then again I guess a big box is a lot easier than your average gun mount. There's flash on everythign of course, but so far the exciting game of "flash or actually part of the part" has been quite easy. Only thing resembling a close call so far was the driver's roof, and I managed to get that one right as well. Also noteworthy as the hull arse plate, which despite being neither PE nor track was supposed to be bent to shape in two places. Luckily with very clear cut-outs moulded into the surface where the bends were supposed to happen, bend them closed and there you go, kinda. The end result probably shouldn't fit the way it does, but (mostly) out of sight out of mind. Fit otherwise has been acceptable, but obviously not any kind of shake-n-bake.
>>9776312If it looks good enough then it looks good enough. Do as you will.