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Transformers Generations Thrilling 30s Whirl
We move from the most controversial toy of 2015, Alpha Bravo, to the most controversial of 2014
To put it out in the open for those of you here that don't know; this toy is probably the most clear example of Hasbro trying to please everyone and ending up pleasing no one.
T30 Whirl's design is a mid point between G1 Whirl, who hadn't had a new toy ever, and IDW Whirl, who was rapidly gaining fans at the time.
But let's talk about what this toy actually is.
Whirl is a somewhat clumsy looking two tone blue helicopter. With yellow rotors, a few hits of blacks and a red band to liven him up.
The cockpit opens and maybe you can fit a little pilot in there if you have one.
My favourite part of the heli design is the afterburner sticking out the back.