>>7099145I work primarily in 1/4, so while 1/3 is bigger, I don't think the larger size will be hugely impactful. I don't think ABE lacks any detail, but the stuff I was using (eSun Skin colored ABS) is somewhat translucent so it was harder to see the details.Vapor smoothing is difficult and you can melt your pieces, and the vapor skin of the print is too slick to paint, you'll have to sand it lightly with something like an 800 or 1000 grit paper to give it more tooth, while just sanding the abs still gave a rough feel comparatively. In the end having printed several prototypes, ABS has the best feel to paint on, while PLA has the best weight to make up a doll.
I did resin cast my latest prototype so I could have something to show, and the cost was closer to $220-250 than I wanted it to be. Very expensive.
Here's an interesting look at one of my prototypes from white PLA. You can see the natural surface (white PLA) , the primed surface (grey face, one half), and the sanded surface (other half).