>>6738525it is pretty decent for something that is the price of hasbro legend. The price is higher than that, but the addition of the KO power suit bumped the price a bit. Not sure why even bother with the suit
There are not enough tabs and pegs holes to make the thing more secure than it is in car and the front of the heli mode. Most of the transformation parts are hold up by friction (mainly front of the chassis). The joints are strong enough for that but it feel a bit lacking in that department. But the figure is small so I guess there is not enough room for all the tabs. I can see they use the same design and make it bigger and add more tabs and pegs to it.
The QC is good. The left over sprue is all over the place in the KO power suit though.
I kinda wish they give us a normal sword instead of 2 rotor blades. The rotor blades swords split in the middle when in hand.
>>6738581There is waist movement (about 30 degree) but the backpack get in the way. If you do more dynamic pose you can turn the waist more when the legs are at the front. The hands are 4.xx mm, juts a bit short of 5mm. So he can only hold his guns.