>>11067694Scenario literally no one but me has probably ever wanted:
>Catra is not "evil" evil, just "jealous beauty" like on her card art. Independent of any other villain or group.>Only a villain because she really REALLY hates She-Ra >Basically a Veronica to She-Ra's Betty>Massively crushes on He-Man, and He-Man's kinda into it...doesn't go all in because Catra is constantly ruining She-Ra's day, but maintains flirtation >When Catra DOES finally ally with Skeletor or Hordak, quickly regrets it and bit of more than she can chew, buries hatchet with She-Ra and gives up being petty villainess>Catra permanently fucked up chances with He-Man, though, by almost helping destroy Eternia, but she can have a consolation prize hero...I dunno, let's say Rio-Blast? Ram Man? That's my crack ship for today