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Fuck man, this sucks. This is basically gore for /toy/ btw. Anyone else experience their Acid Rain figures... I dunno, disintegrate? (pun intended, why not). Pic is my Speeder Mk. II. Had it since 2016 maybe. Moved out awhile back and left it literally sitting in my old room's glass cabinet in vehicle mode really. So on a home visit, I decided to switch it to mecha mode for some posing feng shui, and the hip joint of the Speeder just snapped. Rubber materials just crumble. The side mirrors, the seatbelts. Even the soldier's vest. Then tried moving the soldier and his limbs just break off. The material it's made from turned gummy, kind of like how erasers feel.
What the fuck could have caused this? I know this looks like
severe case of hamhands, but I swear it's not. This model was not this fragile when I got it so I'm thinking there's something wrong with how it's stored or the material it's made from has a short lifespan. Share your thoughts if you wouldn't mind, was really hoping for this figure to be somewhat of an investment. Guess that's not happening.