>>9967825I found an old blog post showing that a glitter girl is the same size as something called wellie wishes. I was able to find measurements for the wellie dolls and they are too small by several inches.
I found something claiming a doll line called "bean baby" is the exact size I need but fuck if I can figure out anything about that doll line, it might be something from the 70's as far as I could tell.
I found a chart saying Journey Girls have the hip and waist measurements but it looks like you can only buy dresses or a whole outfit, and the top will be too small so.
This is super frustrating it is like this doll doesn't exist. I can only find a few references to it anywhere, in fact the picture I posted isn't even my doll as it lacks the wrist articulation. But I know she is suppose to have a crown because the thrift store I bought her at got one in about a week later that still had the crown attached.