>>11118237>I seriously doubt Todd is making 600k of every figure he makes. He has some figures that are specifically saying they're limited to 3000-9000 pieces.Limited editions are for marketing purposes and they don't need to follow the letter of the license.
It's why Hasbro does SDCC exclusives with a run of 8k-15k for a dozen figures but won't ever make a minor toyline with that small of a run to please fans.
It's also why Hasbro is able make these toys for only hardcore collectors, despite not having the license to sell collector toys. Yes, the license specifically spells out they can't make collector figures and needs to be in every modern license.
As for how much they make.. you do know that there are literally thousands of walmarts and targets, right? Then there are others of other stores like indie comic shops, gamestops, bestbuys, and other toystores, including those shitty Targets inside MAcys/JCPennys.
Like Hasbro's own KSes, the initial goal is the bare minimum required to pay everything off and make a profit.
>>11118132You're a dumb child who has no idea how businesses work.
McFarlane has no problem using Kickstarter because they know KS is hugely beneficial for marketing their project. They're obviously paying Kickstarter's fees, because they're not greedy assholes who think their name alone will attract sales and attention to their project.
Nevermind the DC license is obscenely expensive and the fact their license probably prevents them to involve a third party anyway.