>>7334938Yes i do have giant builds and my 2017 build is bigger than yours. Not to mention that im not a tool to post it on 4chan to show off with building blocks.
Not to mention that i both - gay and have a "FEMALE SUPPORT XDDDD" figures which completely destroys your shitty assumption.
And yes you are still massive pretentious faggot despite that the only one of us is actually gay, lmao. Not to mention that i would use the "faggot" insult in an extremely rare situation which i guess gives you a medal for making me do so.
That build is pretty shitty also. You clearly don't understand how colors work.
Not surprising because a faggot like you seeing dumbassly slapping pink color here and there as "being creative" but fails at creativty because your idea of creativity circles about gender studies bullshit.
This why boys sets are better - because they actually using color theory and think outside of such simple ideas.
>>7334939>this build is great,Stop sucking his balls v2
Like...i get why would you start being triggered and turn into a whiner after seeing somebody buying Winston.
But whining about pink color and girl sets for 3 fucking threads?
God what a fag.