>>11138045>muh TORtanic>muh GalaxiesI don't give a shit about MMOs or how well a game is doing financially. TOR is a single player RPG that's online by mistake and it absolutely shits on everything released after it, especially fucking Squadrons. Shit like LS Sith Warrior asshole shits even on older games.
>tell sith milf (in front of her son) you'll kill her husband in exchange for sex>force your twil'lek slavegirl to watch you bang her>taunt jedi padawan into attacking while you just stand there doing nothing then smack him around when he tries to kill you>his master apologises and they leave>save republic soldier from common enemy and let him go>his wife sends you a thank you note>impregnate your kidnapped jedi padawanPower fantasy kino of the highest caliber. I want cool Vette, Jaesa and Baras toys, not Squadrons' latest they/them batch.