>>8083012>>8083022Stay close to the source material, taking liberties as needed. The juxtaposition of the mechanical-looking characters against natural settings with primitive technology and culture was one of the strong points of early Bionicle's visual style. A couple of Vrahno's short films, 'Struggle in the Drifts' and 'Pohatu's Arrival' show the dubious biological component integrated with the toy aesthetics pretty well in my opinion, but I think the "Bio" part really doesn't have to be anything more than implied; The Toa and Matoran are visibly and maybe even audibly mechanical, but they eat, they breathe, they sleep. It's not as important to show that they are partially organic as it is to show that they do things that most organisms do.
[spoilersdont]the floppy miramax masks are goofy though[/workontoy]