>>9501642Most custom makers I've known have used the miniature paints. Some tend to favor Vallejo because they're cheaper, but still excellent, paints.
I'm just about to start a figure repaint, but mostly to remove some factory paints. Gonna be redoing some Knights of Ren to make them generic bad guy grunt figures. I'm gonna paint out the awful looking "weathering" (which looked fine on the production adverts) and change up the shades of black to be more german grey / black grey, then I'm gonna matt down everything except the metal on the helmet. And it's all gonna be done with Vallejo. So if you're using citadel paints and you prime the figure before hand, you're gonna be fine. Thin your paints though, always thin your paints. If you don't know how to do that, then look it up on YouTube so you don't make any mistakes. The Emperor Protects, brave Hellblaster.