>>7353435Sure thing. I finally unpacked one of them today and am definitely impressed with it. The assortment is fixed so you don't end up with disproportionate numbers of certain poses, which can be good or bad, depending on the pose's usefulness. I really like that everything in the set is new content, relative to how most other army men companies just recycle the same stuff that originated decades ago (I know these have been around for a while now too, but they're new to me actually owning some). Even the cardboard insert with artwork of the army men was a nice touch, with it removed the container easily holds everything so it doesn't have to be packed a certain way to fit. If I'm going to nitpick one thing, I would've liked to see the different armies with poses unique to their faction, beyond the basic differentiation by color. That's a small complaint really, I'll probably pick up more sets if I happen to find them at that store again.