>>7293478>>7293483I don't know about the rest of you, but Lego did a stealth WoW wave after Blizzard refused to compromise.
I got Deathwing and a legion of fel orcs from Nexo Knights, and I got a pile of crocodile orcs (helmet swapped), lion-human alliance, worgen, and a pile of undead/death knights (icey sabretooth guys).
That's just off the top of my head.
I mean, they're not 100% screen accurate, but they're a concept proof that Lego knows will show Blizzard they were wrong for demanding all new minifigs instead of classic minifigs with new helmet molds.
And sure enough, Megabloks didn't get the Overwatch license, Lego did. Because Blizzard may be having second thoughts.
Does this mean a new warcraft line? Probably not. It's been done. But maybe starcraft? Less corpses/zombies, more kid-friendly aliens.