Maze of Shadows has both exploratory elements, where it’s kind of at an isometric game angle, and when you encounter certain enemies while exploring, you’ll be sent into a battle screen, where it’s a turn-based battle (kind of like games like Pokémon and such, and I guess Final Fantasy and kther JRPGs). Think like Bionicle, but like the older Pokémon and older Final Fantasy games. I really not much on turn-based dueling games like that, since, to me, it boils down to who gets to attack first, and how high of a level are things. But to each their own.
The GBA version of Bionicle: The Game (roughly based on Bionicle: Mask of Light) is certainly very different from the console and PC version of the game. It’s also an isometric game, but with pseudo-3D (or actual 3D models, huh very small and pixelated). It KIND of reminds me of the graphics style in the GBA Max Payne game (which was pretty fun). And it makes sense that style is somewhat similar, since Möbius Entertainment (now known as Rockstar Leeds, a branch under Rockstar Games) made both games. It’s kind of uhhh to think that, in a way, Rockstar Games sort of made a GBA port of a Bionicle game. This game, unlike the Max Payne GBA game, wasn’t all that, I don’t think. It plays kind of weird. I didn’t play it much, and I haven’t returned to it, since I’ve been playing other things, but it’s mostly just “eh”.