My fucking sides from the OP photos.
>>9192891Let's just not go to the gothreads even if they're made sooner.
>>9192931Was planning on grabbing him for cheap if I found him. Thought with his altmode and weird faction symbol, that he'd be an imprisoned and de-combonered Motormaster (all of the Stunticons hate/fear him) who escaped from maximum prison. Sometimes he has a round head inside a square box, so it's okay.
>>9193286A bit conflicted how I like Wreck-Gar but don't care for a rando nameless Junkion buddy. Unironically wish there was a great bio and design. Might just have Hot Rod ride him, since he was sort of able to handle and communicate with Wreck-Gar.
>>9193449>>9193566BW Inferno is a retool of Kingdom Inferno